Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Lobsters & Eggs

This photo, supplied by CBS, shows the CBS logo and slogans promoting the TV network and its series which will appear along with coded expiration dates on eggs sold by grocers as another promotional measure in the competitive world of television. The campaign will begin in September, when the fall TV season begins, CBS said Saturday, July 15, 2006, at a meeting of the Television Critics Association in Pasadena, Calif.(AP Photo/CBS ) - from riverdell blog

A rare two-toned lobster is seen in this Thursday, July 13, 2006, photo taken in Bar Harbor, Maine. The lobster caught by Alan Robinson in Dyer's Bay is a typical mottled green on one side; the other side is a shade of orange that looks cooked. Robinson, of Steuben, donated the lobster to the Mount Desert Oceanarium. Staff members say the odds or finding a half-and-half lobster are 1 in 50 million to 100 million. (AP Photo/The Daily News, Abigail Curtis) - riverdell blog

Thursday, July 13, 2006

My Rabbit Pooped!!!

I couldn't be happier. :0) !!! My rabbit has been sick for the past week and at one point I thought he might die. I ended up taking him to the vet and she put him on some antibiotics and told me that I needed to force feed him and force water into him every few hours. I also had to make him take the antibiotics 3x/day. Well, he's been taking them for 4 days now and today he pooped for the first time in about 6 days!! I think he is on the road to recovery as he is snuggling Ellie on the floor as I write this! Thank you Jesus for keeping my little Fennel safe; the Lord cares about his critters!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Listen to the Money Talk

Your Theme Song is Back in Black by AC/DC

"Back in black, I hit the sack,
I've been too long, I'm glad to be back"

Things sometimes get really crazy for you, and sometimes you have to get away from all the chaos.
But each time you stage your comeback, it's even better than the last!

Miracle Meetings

I was driving home tonight from walking Ellie in the park when at the last second I decided to stop and get a cup of joe at Tim Hortons. Before pulling into the drive-thru I spotted two girls sitting on a ledge with rollerblades on. One had very bright red hair, and the other looked really buff so I thought to myself "who could that be but Julia & Heidi?" I decided that when I got a closer look, if it was them, that I would stop and chat. Well, turns out it was so I parked my car and got out and they were just as surprised to see me as I was them!

We talked for nearly an hour and basically caught up on everything that's happened since highschool.... well, not EVERYTHING. It was a real blessing to me because I learned about Heidi's work in Honduras
( and Julia's plan to do teaching missionary work in Kenya this fall. They inspired me to get back into missions someday; maybe even back to the Caribbean in Honduras... who knows! It's something to think about anyway!

I also learned that Julia goes to night church at Bethel Bible Chapel so Kris and I are going to try that out and maybe we will finally find a church "service" that fits us. Now I also want to go to Darcie & Keith's wedding in August because both Julia & Heidi will be there plus it would be nice to see Darcie and Keith get married. So a lot of things happened in an hour tonight! Just wanted to share one of those "God ordained meetings" with you!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


When you look closer,
nothing goes away.
It changes... see?
The night becomes the day,
and day, the night.
But even that's not true.
It's really all about
your point of view,
depending where you're
standing on the earth.
And in the end it simply isn't
worth your while to try and clean
your life away. You can't.
For everything you do or say
is there; forever.
It leaves evidence.
In fact it's really only common sense.
There's no such thing as
nothing, not at all.
It may be really very, very small,
but it's still there.
In fact I think I guess that
"no" does not exist.
There's only "yes".
- Sally Potter

Monday, July 03, 2006

Scooting Around in my Automobile...

So, I really want a scooter. I have for EVER. I'm starting to realize that if I really want one, I could get one. The colour picture below is the one I really want, but it is simply a new model of a vintage Vespa. They are only making 350 for Canada so I probably won't get one.... maybe I'll actually be able to find a real vintage one for a good price someday.... just like my hopes of someday owning an old VW bug with the hood in the trunk & all that good stuff. It's too bad that scooters are becoming such a "status" symbol in the big cities like NYC and Toronto, but at the same time it's really neat to see them parked everywhere & actually be able to get one at a dealer if you want to. SCOOT ON!!!