Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sweet Pic's of Algonquin Park

This was a canyon in Algonquin Park that we went to with Kris' mom, sister, and bro-in-law, near Pembroke. It was pretty amazing - now I want to see the GRAND canyon! :o) Jubbie liked it too. ;o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh boy oh boy! You guys are back! I just discovered it here.. great amazing pics pix! Love to see how outdoorsy you guys are.. and look at Mountain Man Kris with that Stubbe-stuble growing on his chin! So school again?? Wowsers.. never ending eh? Hope you do get time to release those artsy whims in the midst of it all tho.. I've been painting more again lately, can't emphasize enough how vital it is to maintain that outlet. All my best of rainbows and beaver tails to you and the clan there! Miss you!

August 31, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least, I said, Mr. Brede vanished as he shook that grimy hand in manly fashion.. Such elaboration of the dream content must not be too pronounced; the misconception of the dream thoughts to which it gives rise is merely superficial, and our first piece of work in analyzing a dream is to get rid of these early attempts at interpretation.. But the beast, although convinced that something serious was impending, did not consider a funeral march appropriate for the occasion.. I'd like to see my mother make a fuss about my calling on the girls! growled Abner, glad to let his rage take a safe direction. I ordered 'em by mail.. Thus far it is in the way of becoming something resembling an obsession, delusion, or the like, i.. But, gentlemen, it will depend upon you to say what are and what are not articulate expressions of love.. Biggle and I looked at each other; and Mr.. The sanguine Edward Morland looked rather blank at this intelligence, and his sister whispered to him, We'll get off to Mrs.. For the three concerned with the tickets, the only link is that Elise L---- is exactly three months younger than the dreamer.. He then opened a cupboard and brought out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.. I believe, however, that at all events the Roman Emperor was in the wrong who ordered one of his subjects executed because the latter dreamt that he had killed the Emperor.. All complicated machines and apparatus in dream are very probably genitals, in the description of which dream symbolism shows itself to be as tireless as the activity of wit.. I--er--offer my sincerest congratulations--though I think you--er--overestimate--my--er--powers of penetration.. Golden harvests glistened out of sight, and I caught their rustling whisper of prosperity.. There's no dependence on any coachman; and perhaps as he may be sure of business enough this rainy night he may never come at all--being already paid for bringing you here.. The deacon's horse knew before the deacon did that something had happened in his favor, and was quick to respond.. This is all very nice, replied Mr.. Analysis: He feels sure that even the first dream contains a reference to the lady whom he is to meet at the rendezvous (the dream was dreamed during the night before the expected meeting)...

September 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Virginia. I just left a long letter on here, but it didn't send.
The plan now is that Marcela and I are having a wedding here on Aug. 15, 2008. We are having one in Mexico, but I don't expect you to come to that. We really want you to come to the wedding here, though. Thanks,


January 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Vee, how are you? This weekend I am having a bonfire and games night. We might watch a movie, too. Write back and let me know what night is good for you. thanks, Nate

April 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Virginia, My Mom and I were having an "internet paranoia" moment when we found a link to your blog (your myspace page) that listed me..using my first and last name together. can you take that off??! Im totally NOT cool with having my full name posted like that on the net. Hope you understand. cindy from GBC, who you met on the greyhound. Not a good idea to list pals names in full over the net my dear. well not mine anyways. thanks.

April 16, 2008  

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