Thursday, July 06, 2006

Miracle Meetings

I was driving home tonight from walking Ellie in the park when at the last second I decided to stop and get a cup of joe at Tim Hortons. Before pulling into the drive-thru I spotted two girls sitting on a ledge with rollerblades on. One had very bright red hair, and the other looked really buff so I thought to myself "who could that be but Julia & Heidi?" I decided that when I got a closer look, if it was them, that I would stop and chat. Well, turns out it was so I parked my car and got out and they were just as surprised to see me as I was them!

We talked for nearly an hour and basically caught up on everything that's happened since highschool.... well, not EVERYTHING. It was a real blessing to me because I learned about Heidi's work in Honduras
( and Julia's plan to do teaching missionary work in Kenya this fall. They inspired me to get back into missions someday; maybe even back to the Caribbean in Honduras... who knows! It's something to think about anyway!

I also learned that Julia goes to night church at Bethel Bible Chapel so Kris and I are going to try that out and maybe we will finally find a church "service" that fits us. Now I also want to go to Darcie & Keith's wedding in August because both Julia & Heidi will be there plus it would be nice to see Darcie and Keith get married. So a lot of things happened in an hour tonight! Just wanted to share one of those "God ordained meetings" with you!


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