Friday, March 25, 2005

I've Got Your Letter, You've Got my Song.

Summer is fast approaching and the weather here is already beginning to be unbearably hot. I don't know what I will do... I guess just spend my afternoons lying on my bed, fan full-blast, trying not to move a muscle...

I have been having a lot of struggles in my personal life with jealousy of others. Other staff who seem to get so much more attention than I do from the girls... crossovers with roles, etc. I want the girls to like me the best. I want them to appreciate me as much as they appreciate other people. Don't they see how much I love them? Yet i continuously get burned. Why am I here? Everyday I have to convince myself of why I am here.

Lately I have been staying in better touch with Jessika and Mandyie & this has really blessed me. Jessika just finished up working at a girls group home so it is so nice to have someone who can relate to me! Mandyie is married & it's nice to have a friend who is married who also loves the Lord & wants to serve him but doesn't always know how. Humph. The truth is I don't really have any good friends here yet. I feel lonely and so it is good to be reminded that even though I am hundreds of miles away, I still have friends.

Why are you so far away from me?
I need help, and you're way ACROSS THE SEA!!!
Oh... I've got your letter, you've got my song.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Miss Jessika

Tomorrow I am supposed to do a graduation video with one of the students here whom I counselled this past summer at MWA. I am very fond of him, and he asked me to speak for him on the video that his parents will see, discussing what his plans are for the future, etc. What should I say? 3 minutes feels like an enternity, but at the same time it seems like not nearly enough time to talk about all his good characteristics.

The other day I was blessed to get a letter from one of my old friends, Jessica. Her letter was such an ironic blessing to me. I suppose she sensed that I needed encouragement so in her letter she wrote how she herself has been feeling very discouraged lately and so she doubted she would be able to help me. But then she went on to explain all of the reasons why she was feeling run down, and it was so ENCOURAGING!! You see, I work here in a girls house and she also works at a girls home in New Hampshire. We hadn't really shared much about it before, and I was so encouraged to hear how much alike our programs/places of work are and how we are basically going through identical struggles. How encouraging. I can't wait to talk to her further.

Oh yeah. And she sent me one of the kewlest shirts I have ever owned! It is green and it says "Miss Neverland" on the front with a picture of Tinkerbell. Gotta love tink!

Until next time.. .

A Prayer of Adoration

O most high, glorious God, how great is my dilemma! In your awful presence silence seems best. And yet, if I keep m peace, the rocks themselves will cry out. But if I do speak, what will I say? It is love that calls forth my speech, though it still feels like stammering. I love you, Lord God. I adore you. I worship you. I bow down before you.

Thank you for your gifts of grace:
- the consistency of sunrise and sunset,
- the wonder of colors,
- the solace of voices I know.

I magnify you, Lord. Let me see your greatness- to the extent that I can receive it. Help me bow in your prensence in endless wonder and ceaseless praise.

In the name of him whose adoration never failed. Amen.