Monday, March 26, 2007


Sunday, March 25, 2007


Saturday, March 10, 2007

My Hope...

Is that one day, we will not be subjected to these images of beauty in the media. My hope is that one day, I will be an eating disorders counsellor - helping the victims of such a ravaging disease that I was once tortured by, and have since found liberation.

This video brings tears to my eyes - the pain that eating disorders cause people is so apparent in this video. It is so gut-wrenching, and devastating. When it gets to the point where you feel guilty for eating - for engaging in an activity that your life itself depends upon. When you find images like the ones shown in this video as attractive, and it becomes a goal to obtain a size zero body.

May the corporations and society be ashamed of themselves. May the world be compassionate, not ignorant. Proactive, not stepping to the sidelines of such a prevalent issue in our culture today.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Immy Madness

WE LOVE IMOGEN HEAP!!! You should really check her out if you haven't....

Reduce, REUSE, Recycle!

Click the title link to go to a really cool new site I found, called - I am definitely going to order a few things off of there once I get some inbound cash! :o) They have some really great stuff from reusable sandwich wrappers to fair-trade messenger bags made out of reused grain and rice sacks! Woot Woot! The less plastic bags we use, the better. Plastic is harmful for our environment- the process of MAKING it is an extreme pollutant, as well as the litter implications and the harmful effect it has on animals who swallow plastic bags, get their heads caught in 6-pack holders, etc. Be a smart consumer!