Wednesday, January 31, 2007

April of 2006

Kris and I went to Niagara Falls to celebrate our 5th anniversary on April 07, 2006. I have been thinking about it because it's not long before we hit our 6th! That is pretty crazee... we have been married more than twice as long as most of our friends! I guess we beat the rush... :o)
Anyway, I thought i would post some pictures from our trip last year. We went to Niagara Falls to celebrate the 5 year milestone because that is where we eloped to all of those years ago! We went back to see the falls (of course), and also visited the butterfly conservatory again - admission had gone up from $8 to $12! That shows you how long five years really is! :o) We also added some extra flavour and took a drive out into the country to the Jackson Triggs winery which was mutually our favourite part of the trip. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Today I got hired for part-time work at a local call centre called "Cross Country". The pay is really good & it is only incoming calls for GM roadside assistance. Kris and I really needed some more money besides my small student loan since we are both attending school and neither of us have been working. The Lord is good! I have 3 weeks of full time training coming up at the beginning of February and then I will be working 20-24 hours a week. I hope I like it and it isn't too taxing on me after not working for so long.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Last Post for the Day... Really!

Here are some pictures of my new Chaco's... well they aren't really all that new. They were a gift from Kris on our 5th anniversary, last year. I took these pic's not long afterwards and was going to post them so all my camp buddies could see my long-awaited conformation to the preference of the mainstream "gear head". Ironically, the first summer NOT at camp followed. Humph. So, anyway, here they are. I don't recommend going for the double strap though because it is more difficult to get them to stay at the adjustment you want them too because it is easier to move the webbing through the sole.

Magic in '07

1. Where did you ring in the New Year?
In Blind River at our friends place, Trevor & Naomi Kidd, along with Trevor's little sister Margaret and one of Kris' friends who is an exchange student from Switzerland. Unfortunately I was miserable and nautious the entire time from some turkey pie I ate at my moms house earlier in the night.

2. What was your status by Valentine's Day?
Married for almost 5 years and loving it.

3. Were you in school?
Nope, but I am now! My husband was though.

4. How did you earn your keep?
Leaching off of the government - first Employment Insurance, and then my first OSAP loan.

5. Where did you go on vacation?
To Niagara Falls, Ontario to revisit where we eloped to 5 years earlier.

6. Did you purchase anything over $500?
Two people's education. Other than that, I don't think I've EVER spent over $500 on anything in my life. Huh, that's kind of impressive.

7. Have you run into anyone you graduated high school with?
No. Just people I went to highschool with. And I tend to try and avoid them after I spot them so that I can save myself the misery of superficial and awkward conversations. Sometimes when this doesn't work out, we may swap numbers, but as my friend Calley says - no one ever calls. The only way to truly keep in touch is myspace and email. So non-threatening, the digital age.

8. Did you move anywhere?
No. We moved here October of 2005.

9. What sporting events did you go to?
Nothing. I hate sporting events. Oh wait - I lied. I went to watch one of my brothers hockey games in Blind River.

10. What concerts did you go to?
None. But I am going to see The Tragically Hip this Tuesday! I guess that wasn't last year though... darn!

11. Where do you live now?
Northern Ontario

12. Describe your birthday:
Well I was actually able to spend the weekend before my Birthday in Sundridge and Toronto with one of my dear friends, Calley, who flew in from Oklahoma! Also my friend Abby whom I met a few years ago through Calley and who is also a super kewl gal! We hit Tdot together and went to MEC, The Friendly Thai for dinner, Ikea, and stayed at a really trashy hotel in Mississauga! I drove back as far as Blind River on Sunday night and decided to spend the night at my moms because I was too tired to keep trekking to the Sault. So I woke up early the next morning, which was Monday the 13th, my Birthday, and drove about half way to the Soo for my geology class but ended up pulling over and sleeping for about an hour and half. Finally made it to the Sault & Kris was at school so I didn't see him until the afternoon. We kind of fought for the rest of the day until we went out for dinner that night at the best restaurant in town, Panna, with my friends Sarah, Ted, Luke, Rebekah, and Nate. Our bill was $80 for the two of us ... just for an entree and 1 drink... whew! Then Kris and I went to see "The Guardian" at the movies because I had a free admission on my birthday coupon .... then we went home and went to bed! I got some pretty sweet gifts too.

13. What is one thing you regretted this year?
Staying on Employment Insurance for so long, not working... not doing anything really... and spending my summer mildly depressed and probably the worst of my life that I can remember.

14. What did you learn about yourself?
That I am finally becoming the person that I always wanted to be (I actually just realized that tonight though while looking at the postsecret website.)

15. What from pop culture will you remember 2006 by?
Umm... the year I spent most of my time watching the new MTV channel on TV.

16. What was the most surprising thing of 2006?
When Kris and I were separated.

17. What are your goals for 2007?
To keep being the person that I have always wanted to be.

A Moving Video

Click on the title link and watch this video - it is from Madonna's "Confessions" tour and is essentially about children in Africa affected by AIDS. However, I don't really know how the first half of the video fits in with the second half now that I think about it...

One of my close friends has recently been challenging her own, as well as my somewhat conventional Christian beliefs. Wondering - are we really "saved", really "Christians" if we don't ACT and do the actions that Jesus tells us to in the Bible - such as this passage from Matthew that is quoted in this video. What do you think?

I had no idea this obsession existed....

So here I will post the link for you. Simply click on the title of this entry... Now we can all be more aware and less ignorant...
Here is an excerpt from the article:

"Karl is a double amputee, but not by accident, birth or disease. He is an amputee by choice.

Six years ago, Karl (who asked that his real name not be used) sat alone in a parked car with 100 pounds of dry ice and an obsession to destroy his legs.

"The first thing I did was I used a wooden flour scoop to scoop some granulated dry ice into the bucket. … It filled the wastebasket with carbon dioxide gas, which was 79 degrees below zero," he said.

Over the next 45 minutes, Karl put his legs in the wastebasket and then kept adding dry ice until it got to the top. "I spent the next six hours well-packed in the dry ice, and then I'd add more dry ice to keep it topped off," he said. A chemistry major in college, Karl had done his research well."

Thursday, January 11, 2007

This is an Achievement for me!

Your Depression Level: 8%

You aren't depressed, and you probably already knew that.
Like everyone else, you have ups and downs.
But unlike most people, you've mastered keeping your mood stable.

Interesting quiz... you should take it.

You Will Die at Age 88

Congratulations! You take good care of yourself.
You're poised to live a long, healthy life.

This is True... I have been told.

You Are a Creative Gift Giver

Your gifts are one of a kind, special, and well chosen.
Whether you've made it yourself or searched all over town...
There's really no one who has more of a personal touch than you.

This is Cool!

What You Really Think Of Your Friends
Bethany is your soulmate.
You truly love Stacie.
You consider Bethany your true friend.
You know that Jessica is always thinking of you.
You'll remember Andrea for the rest of your life.
You secretly think Melissa is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.
You secretly think that Mandy is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.
You secretly think that Ken is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Ken changes lovers faster than underwear.
You secretly think Cherrise is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Cherrise has a hidden internet romance.

I always send thank you notes!

You Are 40% Lady

You tend to make up your rules of etiquette, throwing all conventions aside.
And while you try to be a lady (sometimes), your behavior is often quite shocking.

What the heck does this mean???

You Are Eggnog

Rich, sweet, and probably a little drunk. Everyone who knows you tends to get a little fatter.

Me Likes Chestnuts

You Are A Chestnut Tree
You are a born diplomat with a well developed sense of justice.And even though you're impressive and intimidating, you're also fun to be around.You can be irritated easily, and you sometimes act superior.Nevertheless, you are sensitive of others feelings and very loyal.Sometimes you feel misunderstood and are fiercely close to those who know you best.


Yay or Nay?

Short term missions - what do you think? I saw a half-hour documentary on it last night and my views have definitely been changed. I already knew that by going to a foreign country for a few weeks, you are definitely changing your own life more than those of the people you are going there to help. But does it really help them? Is it selfish to go overseas because we can, because we have the finances, so that we can have a good feeling in our gut knowing that we did something? Do we cause more harm than good?

The documentary feautured a story about a short-term group who came to Honduras for two weeks. They bought a patch of land to build a new village on. They built all the houses out of old garage doors that were donated by someone back in the states. They never came back to check up on the village, and did not send any financial support after this. Turns out in their hurry to get back to america, the land they purchased was actually a swamp and the villagers are now suffering from malaria and dengue fever.... their houses are falling apart, and the wooden supports of the houses are being eaten by termites and ruined in the span of five years.

Why do we spend about $30,000 dollars to send a group of about 20 people overseas to build about two houses, when if we sent that money directly to the overseas ministries... they could build 30 houses?

I went on a short-term trip to Estonia and Russia for 3 weeks 5 years ago... honestly I don't know how much it changed me, and I don't know if it changed anything for the street children we were working with either. I think a few gave their lives to Christ which obviously makes it worth it... so I guess you have to look at it that way rather than the amount of things that get built... I don't know. Make sure you check out this link: