Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Being Still

"A few weeks ago we were at Dan's brother's house for Canadian thanksgiving, it was evening and we were watching Bryce, their 16 month old toddler struggle to stay awake. You know the picture, a little guy doing everything he can to stay up so that he doesn't miss a beat of what's going on, yet he's so tired he'll hurt himself if he doesn't sleep soon. Well, eventually Nanny Larose stepped in, picked him up and put his head on her shoulder. The usual reaction to that was of course, to pick his head up off of her shoulder and struggle to get out of her arms...that's what he did if anyone tried to put him to sleep...but when he looked and realized who had him, he didn't bother struggling, he just put his head down on her shoulder and let her take him to bed without a fight. He knew that with her, there was no use trying to fight it, he would have to rest anyways, so may as well just be still.

I'm realizing that this is sort of what we've been living with God. There is so much to learn, so much to do, explore and discover in this adventure we've been on that when it's time to rest, we fight it. We struggle with rest, we don't really know how to turn the whole thing off and be still. Yet when we realize who it is that is holding us, it is with a peaceful, secure resignation that we put our head down on the Father's shoulder and allow ourselves to be carried to that place of quiet rest in Him. It would be better if we would rest as soon as God told us to, that way we would avoid the bumps and bruises that come with stumbling about...we're learning that. But the great thing is to realize that He is the one carrying us through this whole journey we're on, so we can trust Him to show us how to be still." - from: The Caldwell Family Blog: Nov. 03, 2004 entry


Blogger Barclee said...

do you know these people?

February 02, 2006  
Blogger Virginia said...

No, I actually don't know these people & it kind of adds to the beauty of it, don't you think? Anyway - you should check out their blog. They are friends of a friend kind of thing.

February 02, 2006  

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