Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Am I Getting a Job?

The Lord is good. I have been unmotivated, lethargic and mentally discouraged these past few weeks. It has been very difficult for me to get out the door and look for work... But yesterday I was reading a journal entry from a few weeks ago (i hardly ever go back in my journals - maybe i should more often!) and it was saying how I know that God has a plan for me. That God has confidence in me and has given me the talents that I have for a reason. That he would rather see me out there doing social work stuff that brings glory to Him rather than sitting at home unemployed or working at a dead-end job.

So yesterday I said to myself "you know, I was right". I remembered the conviction with which I believed these things to be true. So I also said to myself "how could you feel so trustworthy of God then, and not now? Virginia, go with the insight and emotions you had a few weeks ago when you were feeling better, rather than the depressed one's you have now." So I got up and went out the door today. I looked pretty good if I do say so myself :o) .

People had been telling me about this place downtown called "Pauline's Place". I didn't even really know what it was except that it was shelter. So I went in there and the case manager was the only one there... and she immediately invited me into her office and we talked for about an hour and a half, she showed me around the building, etc.. Turns out it is a youth shelter for both males & females. That was good news, since I love working with youth.

She is giving my resume to the executive director tomorrow and I should get a call to meet with her. WHO'S GOOD?! GOD'S GOOD!!! Thank you Lord. And thank you everyone for your prayers. Even if this doesn't end up in employment, it is giving me confidence that other professionals out there will value my skills and experience.


Blogger julielewisandthenews said...

Way to go! I know how hard it is to get motivated to go out when I'm depressed :( and then when I actually do I feel 110% better! Thanks for the reminder!

February 02, 2006  
Blogger Virginia said...

You're welcome!

February 05, 2006  

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