Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Exams Schmickxams

Who hates exams??? I do, I do! Well, tomorrow I finally get to hand in my portfolio for my colour theory class.... it will be good to have that off of my hands! Then on Friday at 9am I have my geology exam, and then I'm free! However, until then I will be swamped over my head with minerals, atoms, ions, ionic substitution, igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary rocks, planetary systems, yadda yadda yadda. ARGH! I just want to decorate my tree!

My final project for colour theory is a painting that depicts a transformation from one state to another. I am choosing sadness/depression to happiness/joy. I got my inspiration from my friend, Emily's, paintings... I will have to post a picture of it up on here once I get around to it!
It is kind of disturbing... but a painting about depression shouldnt' be easy on the eyes....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am really excited to see which painting you chose virgina... and honoured that you would choose it. love you, em.

December 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya, exams are no fun.
I wrote an exam today and
I think I aced it. I knew
the material, so I hope so, anyway.

Have fun with all your schoolwork.

I got a card from you guys today. Thanks a lot. Now my house is filled with Christmas cheer and there are now three cards on the


December 13, 2006  

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