Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Similar Minds

Will I EVER be a mental health professional? I went to school for this. I am still advancing my education in hopes of achieving this.... yet the prospects (at least right now) seem so dim. Is it because I am in Sault Ste. Marie? It can't be... because I know there are jobs out there. Is it me? It can't be, because all the employers have seen of me is my resume & cover letter... and mine are exceptional. Am I too young? Not enough experience? What do they want? I am sick of hearing about my friends finding jobs, and worse - them trying to encourage me and tell me that someday it will happen to me. Whether this is true or not, I just don't want to hear that right now, you know? It seems like I am always the one who has to work extra hard for things. So often, this stage of struggling that I am in right now, leaves me feeling like an insignificant number buried in the masses. I need someone to shine a light on me and remind the world that I am special, I am worth a second glance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Virginia,
Just reading your blog, and wanting to offer you some encouragement. I know how you feel...maybe lots of people have been telling you that, but I really do...when I finished school for office administration, NO ONE would hire me. I must have put out 50-100 resumes....and I even went to a few interviews,...and NO ONE would hire was so frustrating...I wasn't working at ALL...not only was I not working in MY FIELD, I wasn't working AT ALL....i felt useless, and worthless, and depressed...but God had a plan...and he has a plan for you...and truth be told, it may not be working in your field...I know that is weird to hear, and I hope it is doing what you want to be doing, but we can never know God's plan, and he always wants more for us than we want for will understnad when this is all over why this all is happening this way...I know i look back on my unemployment for so long, and then my employment at some crap job, and it all lead to my awesome job at the Salvation Army right now that I LOVE! God does great things...of course, in the meantime, while you are waiting, maybe he wants you to have some babies...haha, just kidding, I mean, someone's gotta catch up to Bethanyie...haha..okay, okat, I will...haha, kidding ya Virginia...He has a plan...he's working....

June 09, 2006  
Blogger Barclee said...

i think your worth a second glance. and probably a third.

June 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think she's worth many double redundant glances, and breakfast in bed...

June 16, 2006  
Blogger Virginia said...

haha, i like the bethany joke. but you are so right about God always wanting more for us than we want for ourselves. rock on!

June 24, 2006  
Blogger Cal said...

i miss you!! I'm back from the dead.

July 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shabadu. I guess gay people are still people.. but they ain't born that way.

Ya, self worth is not found just from a job. You are still contributing to society without working in your field. GO VEE!


August 02, 2006  

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