Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Mamma C

Job searching is a pain in the butt. I don't want to do it, yet I know that I have to. Fiddlestix! Herein lies the dilemma... Does anyone out there know of anywhere that is hiring mental health & addiction counsellors?!? That would make it a lot easier. Alas...

This week my mother-in-law is coming to visit which is a blessing. Unlike some relationships with mother-in-laws, I quite enjoy mine. I call her "Mamma C" and she calls me "The Lady Virginia"... haha. Only in the morning when I am cranky. Otherwise... she calls me "Gin", which is a nickname reserved only for family members and close friends. You can check out pictures of me and Kris with Carrie (that's her real name) at our website: www.thestubbes.com from when we went on our vacation in the Dominican Republic.


Blogger julielewisandthenews said...

Yes you are definitely blessed to have a good relationship with your mother in law! Mine can be somewhat controlling and domineering - and I really gotta get used to her sarcasm. (That's a great picture of you btw). I hope you find a job in your field soon. It must be so frustrating! I am not looking forward to looking for a job this summer!

January 10, 2006  

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