Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sweet Pic's of Algonquin Park

This was a canyon in Algonquin Park that we went to with Kris' mom, sister, and bro-in-law, near Pembroke. It was pretty amazing - now I want to see the GRAND canyon! :o) Jubbie liked it too. ;o)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Creativity is Creeping in...

Just found a site that I had come across some time ago but had forgot the address for... check out for all of you who like handmade stuff. Just looking at all the stuff gave me some good ideas and I feel a creative streak coming on! Sewing, knitting, painting, scrapbooking... time consuming but worth it!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Lake Superior Coastal Trail

As I mentioned in my last post, Kris went on a hiking trip on the Coastal Trail with our friends Dan & Caleb. Well, I went out to meet them for one day in my kayak and it ended up being so windy on the lake that Caleb kayaked my boat back for me and I hiked out with Dan and Kris. It was really hard even though it was only 2 hours... but the scenery was even more breathtaking than I had imagined. The water was so blue that it actually looked more beautiful than the Caribbean! Kris and I are hoping to go out for 3 more days on a kayaking trip before we both start school in September. I am so glad that Lake Superior is in our backyard!

Monday, August 13, 2007

I'm Back!

Finally, I arrive back! It was a heck of a summer. There were many good times with friends - new and old - but also many frustrating and trying times. It is discouraging when you do your best at something only to be scorned by someone else. Overall, when I sift the crap out of the good, it was an alright summer. My favourite part besides meeting new friends was just simply being outdoors basically 24/7. I know it will be hard for me to transition back to apartment life.

Kris is going on a 4 day backpacking trip with our new friends Caleb & Dan on the Lake Superior Coastal Trail. I was supposed to go on a kayaking trip while they were hiking but it fell through.... :o( So now I'm at home alone, watching MTV. Yay. Kris said that we could go on a kayaking trip at the end of August together - I hope he means it. And this coming weekend we are supposed to be going white water rafting in southern Ontario with Kris' mom & sister so I'm pumped about that... always wanted to try it. But I am somewhat nervous as well since my river experience in the Dominican.

Friday, May 04, 2007

The Wonder Years

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Presenting.... Estrella!

Here are the long awaited pictures of my new kayak! I was so excited to get her - it was driven down here from Ohio by Kris' mom & it is now being stored at Kris' sisters until camp! It is a beautiful boat & I named her "Estrella", which is Spanish for "Star". I even launched it and tried it out in Thessalon just to see how she maneuvered & it's much more tippy than the wide, cheap kayak I am used to paddling but I will get used to it! I bought the kayak with graduation money I received from my dad three years ago when I finished at George Brown College. So, saving it was worth wile because I got a good bargain from and now I finally see the fruits of all the hard work I did in college! (I might not have a job, but at least I have a kayak!) :o)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Something Smells Like.....

Tonight I was confronted by a woman outback of my apartment. She said "do you have a bag for your dog's poop?" and I said I did. Then she said "yah right, let me see it!" and I was just thinking ... "what in the world is this lady doing? who does she think she is to accost me and make me show her my poop bag??" So I just stood there looking at her with disgust and and she said "it's people like you that ruin it for the rest of us!" and then I told her she didn't know the facts. I asked her how long she had been living here and she said "five years!!" and I said "and how often have you seen me before?" (I've never seen this lady before) and she just made a noise and said "you usually go out front with your little pooch don't you?" and I said "no" and then she just said something else rude and went inside....

I just had to blog about it because it is these moments in life that I can't believe. I don't understand how someone could have the gall to talk to a total stranger like that and accuse them of something that they know nothing about. Whether or not I pick up my dog's shit isn't even the issue... I mean - in order for me to talk to another human being in the regard she did they would have had to have stolen my wallet or something... well... probably even more than that because a guy did try to steal my wallet once and I just said "hey!" really loud and gave him a disgusted look....

Anyway, it's people that act in such a self-righteous manner that are the ugly people in this world.