Friday, March 31, 2006

New Addition to the Stubbe Family!

Here are some darling pictures of my new rabbit! We didn't know if it was a girl or a boy, and then last night we let it out of it's cage and it started humping Ellie, and I yelled "IT'S A BOY!!!"
It is a ten month old lop-earred rabbit, and it is 1/2 angora so it is really as soft as it looks! Please vote for a name:

a) Fennel
b) Chester
c) Augustus
d) Felix
e) Eeyore
f) Finnigan

Place Your Bets Now!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fennel. Or Juan Valdez de Cancion

March 31, 2006  
Blogger Barclee said... doubt about it....

April 01, 2006  
Blogger Scott said...

How adorable. i'd say call 'em "Stew" short for "rabbit stew". yummmy

April 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Augustus is an awsome name.

April 03, 2006  
Blogger Virginia said...

wow, this post gave me the most comments ever! awesome! well... since everyone likes a different name i think we'll have to stick with fennel because that is kind of what i have been calling him by default and i think he's getting used to it. sorry folks! although stephanie did vote for an "F" name, so i guess she wins! yes, visit me at easter!!!

April 03, 2006  

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